Thursday, October 20, 2011

Cooking with Stevia

Stevia is known as sweet herb.Stevia is a plant which is part of the sunflower family.It is well acknowledged for its sweetness and can  be used in desserts or with foods and tea.  The sweetness is because of the glycosides like stevioside and rebaudioside.It has been a  commercialized sweetener in Japan for more than 20 years.
Historically it was used for heartburn,hypertension is very good for  the diabetic affected person since because its a natural sweetener.Normally it will not raise the blood glucose level.  Its main use in most house holds is to use with tea or food for diabetic affected persons.Yes,there is an known fact,it does not have caloric value.It can be used in weight problems affected person also.  It is very heat stable and non fermentable.It is used as a flavoring agent. It is a anti cakin agent.  Some of the businesses
like coca-cola and pepsico have announced stevia under a brad called Truvia primarily based food additive and beverages.
Safety profile
Since it is a  all organic herbal source of sweetnener, it definitely it would be greater than all other artificial sweetener.Use of artificial sweetener will lead to phenylketonuria.So,it is safe to use natural sweetener.There are some studies which confirmed that it could be a contraceptive but that is also not been proved.  Make your recipes tasty

Stevita Stevia food additive comes in liquid extract and powder packet form.So,Eventually you can decide how much you want to add to your recipe.When cooking with stevia,first make sure that it is not used with food that contain lot of carbohydrate (dextrin derivatives).It improves the taste of strongly flavored foods.If it used with canned fruit jellies or apple sauce,it is far better that you maintain refrigerator condition,otherwise it will not good after one day or less.Otherwise you should freeze Stevia powder is soluble in drinking water and heat stable,can be suitable for all type for ula which involve sweetness.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Stevia as a weight loss aid

Stevia is often used as a weight loss aid. You can use Stevia as an alternative to sugar, if you acutely reduce your sugar intaked you will lose weight. You will be losing weight because you are replacing the high calorie sugar with the very wholesome Stevia. Stevia is a really awesome product. You can use Stevia in most anything that you would standardly use sugar in. You can even bake and cook with Stevia. Stevia is also great in your coffee or tea to save you all those calories of employing usual sugar.
Stevia is a really great alternative for sugar. Stevia has a fantastic taste and once you do start out employing it you will be prepared to throw your sugar away there will be no more need for it. Stevia will be the only thing that you need to use. Stevia is the best sugar substitute out there today.
Once you start off working with the Stevia as a weight loss aid then the weight will just commence dropping off of you. Stevia is what you will then continue to use even after you have lost the weight so that you can preserve your new and lower weight. Do not return to sugar once you have lost the weight stay with the Stevia.
Stevia is good for people that have diabetes due to the fact they are not finding the unsafe sugar that they are supposed to stay away from. Stevia can be a weight loss aid for the diabetic also. It is critical as a Person suffering from diabetes to preserve a healthy and balanced weight to keep your insulin levels in check.
Stevia can genuinely help every single person in weight loss. So you ought to go to the store and obtain some Stevia today and try it. You will not be sorry. Stevia is such an awesome product to use. Stevia is the best sugar substitute that is available today. So you should try Stevia as a weight loss helper today.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Try HCG to rid your self of those last stubborn pounds

If you are  seeking a way to lose weight, HCG drops can help. With HCG drops you can shed as many pounds as you desire and you can do it all without feeling hungry or having to hit the gym for countless hours. And the best part is the weight loss will be for good. This is not some fad diet plan that you go on for a few months and then gain all the weight back once you cease.
This is a established weight loss system that is primarily based on the investigation of Dr. A.T.W. Simeons. Dr. A.T.W. Simeons found that human chorionic gonadotropin, or HCG, is a hormone that canenable folks lose weight. It is a hormone that is already created in the human body. And when used correctly, it can help you drop all the pounds you wantswiftly and safely.

As a matter of fact, when combined with the HCG diet protocol, these drops can help you lose as much as 2 pounds per day.  That means you could potentially drop up to 10 pounds in just 5 days. The
HCG diet works by tricking your body and making it think it is in a pregnant state. Although this is taking place you will also be restricting the amount of calories you are consuming. As a end result your body will develop into a fat burning machine and start to melt away  all the excess fat and turn it into vitality.  And that my friend is how you are able to quickly and efficiently drop those unwanted pounds of fat.
The amount of time and the quantity of drops you need will depend on how much weight you want to drop. You will either be  on a 26 day regimen or a 40 day regimen. The more weight you want to lose the longer you will need to stay on the plan. Once you complete the HCG diet plan you will literally be a whole new person. Your metabolism will be strong and you will be a thinner, more assured you.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Some tips for Eating out while on HCG Diet Protocol

For all you folks on the HCG Diet that ispondering how you dine out while on the HCG Diet Protocol we will talk about a few tips.  This guide will examine  restaurant dining on phase 2 and phase 3 of the HCG Diet Protocol using the HCG Drops.    The great news is… it can be done.    Phase 2 is a bit more challenging however so I’m offering a few tips here to assist you to stay away from the pitfalls and appreciate the experience.
Phase 2:  Have a salad with grilled chicken breast, steak, etc.  I use salsa as dressing it gives it a Tex-Mex flavor.  Keep it simple, avoid combining veggies (spinach salad, mixed greens, or tomatoes)
Ask for you chicken on steak to be grilled ordinary.  Avoid marinades, sauces, etc.  Top with lemon juice, salt and pepper.
Carry individual packets of stevia with you and enjoy a cool iced tea with lemon or  hot coffee or tea with your food (1 TBS of milk is allowed).
Order a sparkling mineral water (add flavored liquid stevia if you like to make a soda).
Choose organic or natural restaurants if possible.  You less likely to get processed meats or vegetables.
Phase 3: Avoid most sauces and gravies.  Quite a few restaurants have sugary sweet sauces and thickeners that can mess up your diet regimen if you’re not mindful.
Exercise caution with Salad dressings and condiments.  Examine the labels if possible or stick with a simple vinegar (avoid Balsamic vinegar due to the sugar content) and oil dressing.
Steer clear of the bread, potatoes, or starchy side dishes and order extra vegetables instead.  Feel free to top the veggies with butter, spices, salt and pepper, and lemon juice.
Any proteins and many fats and oils are acceptable.  Again, look out for sugary marinades and order your steak or chicken as pure as feasible.
Ask For fresh fruit for desert.
The  greatest advice I can give while eating out is to stick to the basics and when in question… don’t purchase it.  Shift your focus from the food to socializing and having fun with your family and friends.  As you journey through this diet and on to the rest of your existence you will discover yourself altering inside and out.  A new and more healthy lifestyle awaits!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

HCG Drops or Injections

Homeopathic HCG is created from the full-strength, synthetic HCG hormone utilized for injections. The homeopathic version is diluted and manufactured into sublingual drops that can be administered under the tongue, generally three to six times per day.
The volume of the homeopathic HCG hormone in your body is used in a continuous flow to reap the same benefits you would have with the injections. The homeopathic HCG version is easier to use and less daunting than the HCG injections. It’s also a much less expensive way to take if you’ve made the decision that you want to attempt the HCG hormone and diet plan.
The homeopathic hCG drops version is used in conjunction with the HCG diet protocol and takes from 21 to 43 days to finish, depending on how much excess weight you want to lose. The weight loss plan also is composed of a low calorie diet during which you only ingest 500 calories per day.One beneficial point about theHCG Diet Plan is that there is no contemplating about which foods you can eat during the 500 calorie period.
Dr. Simeon, the researcher who launched the weight loss plan back in the 1950s, is very precise about the blend of foods you should consume in the course of the low calorie diet phase.  Some enthusiasts of homeopathic HCG, claim that the hCG hormonetook away  hunger pangs and cravings during the diet and that they never acquired the weight back.
The explanation for these claims could be that the HCG hormone used during the weight loss diet program is designed to reset the hypothalamus so that it’s functioning at normal levels.If you’ve dieted off and on for years or have taken antibiotics, your hypothalamus may not be working at its optimum level. The hypothalamus gland is in charge of calibrating the metabolism so that it’s burning fat calories and stored body fat at a rapid rate for weight loss.The HCG weight loss program is a “holistic’ plan that teaches your mind and body how to be psychologically and physically fit and many have stated that going through the homeopathic HCG plan has given them a new outlook on life.
People have noted that they simply feel much better when they have a new body image in combination with the natural effects that the HCG hormone provides.  Choosing homeopathic HCG over HCG injections is a sensible option for many who find that going to a doctor to get the injections is costly and time consuming and that administering the injections to oneself could cause bruising and soreness if you’re not properly trained on how to give them.
Taking the oral HCG drops is simple and generates the same outcomes.  The homeopathic HCG oral drops mixed with the HCG diet has helped many lose undesirable weight and keep it off. You can now buy HCG online and at some homeopathic pharmacies.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Tips on eating out while on the HCG Diet

For all you folks on the HCG Diet that are wondering how you eat out while on the HCG Diet Protocol we will discuss a few tips.  This write-up will discuss  restaurant dining on phase 2 and phase 3 of the HCG Diet Protocol using the HCG Drops.    The great news is… it can be carried out.    Phase 2 is a bit more difficult however so I’m offering a few suggestions here to assist you to avoid the pitfalls and enjoy the experience.
Phase 2:  Have a salad with grilled chicken breast, steak, etc.  I use salsa as dressing it gives it a Tex-Mex flavor.  Keep it straightforward, avoid combining veggies (spinach salad, mixed greens, or tomatoes)
Ask for you chicken on steak to be grilled ordinary.  Avoid marinades, sauces, etc.  Top with lemon juice, salt and pepper.
Take with you packets of stevia with you and enjoy a cool iced tea with lemon or  hot coffee or tea with your food (1 TBS of milk is allowed).
Order a sparkling mineral water (add flavored liquid stevia if you like to make a soda).
Choose organic or natural eating places if possible.  You less likely to get processed meats or vegetables.
Phase 3: Stay away from most sauces and gravies.  Quite a few eating places have sugary sweet sauces and thickeners that can mess up your diet plan if you’re not careful.
Exercise caution with Salad dressings and condiments.  Inspect the contents disclosure if feasible or stick with a simple vinegar (avoid Balsamic vinegar due to the sugar content) and oil dressing.
Steer clear of the bread, potatoes, or starchy sides and order extra vegetables as an alternative.  Feel free to top the veggies with butter, spices, salt and pepper, and lemon juice.
Any proteins and most fats and oils are appropriate.  Again, look out for sugary marinades and order your steak or chicken as all-natural as feasible.
Ask For fresh fruit for desert.
The  very best advice I can give while dining out is to stick to the basics and when in doubt… don’t order it.  Shift your focus from the food to socializing and having fun with your family and friends.  As you journey through this diet regimen and on to the remainder of your life you will find yourself modifying inside and out.  A new and healthier lifestyle is waiting!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Does the HCG Diet Really work?

Are you completely drained of energy after attempting diet after diet, joining fitness center or spending tons of cash on equipment and pre-packaged meals that leave you gagging? Employing the hCG diet protocol for losing weight has been verified to be safe, work fast and even provide you a new lease on life.
HCG Diet Protocol fits into the class of natural cures for losing unwanted fat safely. The hCG hormone is an essential substance that is  developed naturally  by the placenta in future moms to assist carry nutrients to the fetus. When employed as a weight loss option, the hCG hormone efficiently stimulates the hypothalamus gland, which maintains metabolism and various triggers which promote fat loss.
The principle behind stimulating the hypothalamus gland in pregnant women is that although they areconsuming for two,” they need additional nutrients for both on their own and the infants they’re carrying.Theyalso gain extra energy from the process. But, when the hypothalamus is stimulated in guys or non-pregnant females, the result is that fat will get burned two times as fast and effectively – even where there is no exercise.
Also, the hCG hormone is one that is found in every man and woman – but stays dormant in body cells. The synthetic hCG hormone, which is used for weight loss functions  creates a similar benefits as the natural hormone found in expecting mothers.
There are two methods to enjoy the advantages of hCG for losing weight. One is through injections administered by your doctor, and the other is to take hCG drops by releasing them beneath your tongue just before meals. The hCG hormone could do the function of stimulating the hypothalamus gland and the fat can start to disappear.  One can now quickly buy hcg drops online.
Among the finest positive aspects of hCG for weight loss is that you’ll commence to see benefits almost immediately. In Kevin Trudeau’s popular book, “The Weight reduction Cure,” he chronicles his own weight reduction whiletaking the hCG hormone and the final results are startling.
Trudeau’s weight loss journey is detailed in the book, and he inserts “before and after” images so thatone can truly see the outcomes. Various testimonials for the use of hCG for weight reduction involve a lot of diabetics who declare which their lives had been altered for the far better immediately after losing weight and balancing the ingredients in their bodies.  Recently Dr. Oz also featured this in his TV show.
Various satisfied customers HCG Diet have explained that they possess a new lease on life and more energyin contrast to they ever imagined possible. Some say that it is the least complicated way to lose weight and keep it off that these folks have ever experienced, even though at the initial diet plan, the calories are very restrictive – only  500 calories per day.
If you’re seeking a diet plan to end weight problems once and for all research the hCG diet yourself and decide if this method might work for you.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Steak Day on phase 3 of the HCG Diet

It shouldn’t be understated that Phase three of the HCG diet is extremely important.  This is when you slowly increase your calories and introduce carbs slowly back in to your diet.    If upon your daily morning weigh in, you notice you have gone up two or more pounds…then you are in need of a “Steak Day.”  This is only during the Phase 3 part of your HCG diet.  Having a steak day is one of the ways that I have been able to maintain my weight after finishing the HCG drops.  My goal for my weight loss was my weight on the last day of the HCG diet and if I exceed that by more than two pounds I simply have a steak day and it corrects it every time.  The key is that you catch it immediately so the hypothalamus can be corrected naturally.  However, it is important to also know that performing a steak day two days in a row really is not necessary, that’s just not how it works.  The way a steak day works is the decrease in calories on that day will stabilize your metabolism by working through the hypothalamus. Your body needs this because of excess calories that may have been previously consumed.  You will need to skip breakfast and lunch when performing a steak day, but make sure you consume plenty of water throughout the day.  For dinner you should eat a large serving, about 24-32 ounces of steak.  Any kind will do such as Filet Mignon, Sirloin, Rib-eye, Porterhouse, or a New York Strip.  Make sure you cook it in oil or as you grill your steak, smother it in real butter.  You may eat it with either a raw tomato or an apple.  As you weigh the next day, you should be one to three pounds lighter!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Should you Supplement your Magnesium intake?

The thought of getting enough magnesium more than likely does not cross the mind of the average person. At least eighty percent of us do not get our minimum daily requirement of magnesium from our diets. Magnesium is part of over three hundred biochemical processes in the body, including digestion, energy production, muscle function, bone formation, creation of new cells, activation of B vitamins, and relaxation of muscles. It also assists in the functions of the heart, kidneys, adrenals, brain and nervous system. For those of us that get insufficient levels of magnesium may experience a wide variety of symptoms such as stress, low energy, muscle spasms and cramps, headaches, inability to sleep, fatigue and weakness, abnormal heart rhythms, PMS and hormonal imbalances, weakening bones, constipation, nervousness and anxiety, and irritability. Magnesium is essential for life. It is vital for health restoration, health maintenance and health enhancement. This deficiency issue is believed to be caused in part by the increase in processed foods, particularly carbohydrate foods. This, combined with intense exercise, can significantly deplete this important mineral from our bodies. Deficiencies can also be caused by excessive alcohol, caffeine, or sugar intake, increased Vitamin D intake, drinking soft water, mineral-deficient soils, cooking and boiling whole foods, and the "inevitable" aging process. Magnesium can be found naturally in legumes and soy products such as tofu as well as in seeds, nuts, whole grains, and most green leafy vegetables. However, most foods that are normally thought to be magnesium-rich, even though they may contain naturally occurring magnesium, are poor sources because of refinement and processing. With these facts, magnesium rises a bit higher on the totem pole of supplements you might want to add to your regimen. Most often one would take magnesium in a multivitamin/mineral formula, magnesium citrate can also be added separately, combined with calcium, especially for people who are at greater risk for deficiencies and people who are suffering from muscle cramping or even tight muscles. Your probably wondering how much Magnesium should I take? We it depends on your eating habits and exercise habits discussed above but most people can start with 325mg of magnesium citrate.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Stevita Stevia with the HCG Diet

What is Stevia (pronounce “stÄ›vÄ“a”, the Portuguese and Spanish correct pronunciation) ?

One of the main food additives that aids homeopathic HCG diet weight loss program dieters in sticking to their meal plan is Stevia. Stevia is a South American herb that has been in use as a sweetener for hundreds of years. It is an exceptional weight loss supplement due to its zero calorie content. It also conveniently reduces cravings for fatty and sugary foods.  The homeopathic HCG diet weight loss program works on the hypothalamus gland that controls the emotional eating part of the brain. With the addition of Stevia to the hcg dieter’s regimen, they have an additional tool helping them stick to their very low calorie diet. The Stevia is available in a wide variety of flavors.  Among the many plants of the Compositae family, the  Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni  is the only one that produces intensively  sweet tasting   substances called  "steviol glycosides".
The Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni  is a perennial  plant  that can reach 4 ft tall and is native of the highlands  of central southeast South America covering portions of Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. 
It offers a delicious and refreshing taste that is said to be up to 30 times sweeter than sugar. In addition to being good for weight loss, Stevia is a positive in fighting both diabetes and breast cancer.  New research indicates that Stevia may have an even greater use for dieters than previously believed. It is being concluded that a defect may exist between the stomach and the hypothalamus in many who are overweight or obese; it fails to turn off the hunger sensation when the individual is full. Early indications are that Stevia corrects the defect so that the hunger mechanism functions correctly. The leading brand of Stevia is the Stevita brand.

Stevita stevia is cultivated in one of the best and richest soil in the world ( the southern Brazilian red clay soil).   To contribute to its preservation and to maintain the social, spiritual, and ecological  harmony with the environment , Stevita has  made a commitment to use only sustainable  farming and industrial  practices.    As  a result of this hard work and dedication, the Stevita brand is recognized as the number one in quality, purity and taste.
 The incorporation of Stevia as a sweetener in the homeopathic HCG diet weight loss program's food regime is just one more tool that makes navigating the program successfully easier. It fulfills the "all natural" element that the diet is based on and brings extra benefits to users as well. The homeopathic HCG diet weight loss program doesn't come with any negative side effects, but more than comes with several positive effects in addition to the weight loss dieters are looking for. They'll finish the program significantly lighter AND healthier.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

VLCD and the HCG Protocol

Very Low Calorie Diet
VLCD  means “very low calorie diet” and refers to a restricted diet of 500 calories per day on the HCG diet. In most cases it's not a healthy dieting option. A dieter can't sustain their day to day activity on so few calories. They end up breaking the diet frequently or not being capable of normal activity.  But in one case in particular the VLCD is actually quite effective. It's the popular HCG Drops diet. This popular weight loss program is based on the protocol as introduced by Dr. Simeons more than 50 years ago. It was the first time HCG was officially proclaimed a weight loss tool. The original protocol required injections. HCG had to be injected daily. But newer, homeopathic methods now available offer the same proven results with no injections.  Oral drops are used instead of injections in the homeopathic HCG weight loss method. The drops are taken three times a day in combination with the VLCD and the list of approved foods. Dieters are also required to cease any strenuous exercise programs because of the low calorie intake.  HCG  is a natural hormone in the human body that interacts with the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus interacts with the eating and drinking portions of the brain. This means that even though the dieter is sticking to a very low calorie diet they don't feel hunger pains as they normally would on a VLCD.  A successful homeopathic HCG dieting program means that the body has been re-taught a healthy method of treating fat. Fat cells are often emptied by dieting. But they are typically left hanging around waiting for the re-introduction of fat. With homeopathic HCG diets the body learns to absorb empty fat cells so they aren't available to easily refill.  The program presents a unique combination of characteristics that make it the most effective weight loss method currently available. It not only offers some of the best weight loss averages, but it also offers high maintenance success rates.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Ten Positive Side Effects of the HCG Diet

Some positive side effects of the HCG Diet, some of these I experienced my self and some have been reported to us.
1.  A more positive mental outlook.
2.  A dramatic rise in self esteem and feeling better about oneself.
3.  Hope!!  This one is huge.  I think that the immediate results gives a hope that other programs don't offer. 
4.  Feeling Healthy
5.  Some have reported an almost euphoric feeling or an overall general sense of well being.
6.  More energy not as sluggish as they once were.
7.  A new attitude toward food and what you think taste good.
8.  A desire toward a more healthy lifestyle.
9.  Loss of pounds and inches that are gone forever. 
10. Previous medical conditions directly related to being overweight improve and prescription medications either decrease or not needed any longer. 

Again not all of these will apply to everyone on the HCG Diet but Dee Ann and I have experienced many of them and they have been reported to us from our customers on the HCG Drops.

Working Out While on the HCG Diet

Working out on the Hcg Diet

While it is suggested that one should not take part in an aggressive work out while on the {HCG Diet|HCG Diet Regimen|HCG Diet Plan|HCG Diet Protocol| HCG VLCD Diet}, I would however, recommend doing a low key regimen several times a week! While on the HCG diet weight loss comes very fast and doing some kind of moving your body will help you tone.  Not only is toning very important while drastically dropping the weight, but getting into the habit of exercising so that you can maintain your weight loss is vital to long term health. I do not recommend any type of hard core workout with weights or high impact cardio.   I’m simply suggesting a 20 minute brisk walk to help tone your legs.  I also suggest using five pound dumbbells to tone your arms.  You can use the dumbbells to do a few sets of bicep curls and a few sets of triceps extensions.  It is important to understand that the homeopathic Hcg diet drops makes the body feel as though it’s getting plenty of food even though you’re only consuming 500 calories, so obviously it’s not enough to support an intense workout. An intense work out will cause hunger and will make the hcg diet protocol difficult.  Only stick to about a low key exercise plan and doing little things like that will make a big difference in the long run!  The more muscle you build the more fat you will burn.  Building muscle through exercising has been my key to maintaining my weight loss.  Once I lost 55 pounds, getting in the gym was so much easier…I have more energy and am able to maintain it.    

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Proper Hydration While on the HCG Diet Protocol

It is very important while on the HCG Homeopathic Drops to properly hydrate.  Everybody is different but a good general rule of thumb is on half ounce for every pound of body weight.  For example when I started the HCG Diet I weighed 187 pounds.  So I would need in general about 94 ounces of water a day or a little less than 6 quarts.  To lose weight you need to be able to flush your system.  If you don’t properly hydrate your body will tend to retain water which will throw your weight loss off track.

The purpose of drinking water is to hydrate the body. However, there are some drinking waters that do not hydrate the body as well as others.

Here are some tips and information on drinking water while on the HCG Weight loss program.
The "quality" of drinking water in various regions of the world vary from spring water piped into the city such as New York City, which has one of the top rated public drinking water, to other cities who have to bring their water in from long distances to water that sit in reservoirs and have to be "treated" before human consumption.
It is important while on the HCG weight loss Program or for health benefits in general, that a good brand of bottled water is used and that the body is in fact getting hydrated.
While on the program it is very important that you drink throughout the day. Good hydrating water comes from parts of the world that have been pretty much untouched by man and are pure sources of water with natural minerals.
The suggested bottle waters that have been found to hydrate:
Eternally Balanced New Zealand Artesian Spring Water
Icelandic Glacial
Iceland Spring
Fiji Water

Check out my video on this as well:

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

HCG Smoothie Recipie

Dessert on the HCG diet!!

As summer is approaching…here is a fabulous recipe that my whole family absolutely loves!!

6-8 strawberries (remove stems)
¼ cup water
3 t. freshed squeezed lemon juice
1 T. milk
Crushed ice
2-3 packets of Stevia or Truvia

In a blender, combine water, strawberries, lemon juice, milk, and blend well.  Add crushed ice to the consistency you desire.  Mix in sweetener and blend lightly and serve!

You can also put it in a cup and freeze before serving…YUMMY!!

HCG Smoothie Recipie

HCG X-TREME Weightloss

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A common denominator of failure on the HCG Diet

Don’t let this happen to you!

Let's say you go all week and you're doing great, your losing weight and then one day you slip up and cheat because you have an event or a “get together”… or you just want a bite of give in and then you start feeling really guilty and that you just cannot do this diet anymore because you cheated… so you QUIT!!!  

If you cheat with a glass of wine or anything while on the HCG diet...JUST DO IT, GET IT OUT OF YOUR SYSTEM, and MOVE ON and continue diet as usual!  JUST DON'T QUIT!! It's such a doable diet...I know this because it is the ONLY thing that has ever worked for me, I really cannot explain it any other way but the fact that I have tried EVERYTHING to lose weight and keep it off.  There were several times Tony and I cheated or modified the diet a bit, sometimes that’s just how you are able to keep going and I still lost about 25 pounds my first round.  Now obviously, I don't recommend that you cheat, I am just being honest and letting you know my experience with the diet!  Let me warn you though...the more you cheat the more hungry you may feel and the harder it will be to give up old habits which will defeat the whole purpose….but just know, if you sway too far from the food list, it simply will not work!  So try and stick with the plan as closely as possible AND you WILL SEE RESULTS!!  It’s totally up to you! 

Wishing you success!
Dee Ann  

See our website blog @
HCG X-TREME Weightloss

Friday, March 18, 2011

Apple Cider Vinegar & Weight Loss

If you have hit a plateau in your weight loss then try this:
Did you know that Apple Cider Vinegar can actually help you lose weight?!

If you have hit a plateau in your diet, this 175 year old remedy may help you!
Try taking 1-3 Tablespoons diluted with water before each meal and you will find it acts as an appetite suppressant.  Apple Cider Vinegar has been known to stimulate the metabolism and cleanse the internal organs as well.  It also helps in releasing stored fat cells.

Look up all the great benefits Apple Cider Vinegar has…you’ll be amazed!  There is even the “Apple Cider Vinegar Diet” in pill form.

If you want to give this a try, buy the organic Apple Cider Vinegar…I believe it works best!  Try searching for all the benefits and see what you find…here are few you may find:
Click here if you want to lose weight.
Healthier hair
Stops acid reflux
Stops heartburn
Promotes weight loss
Cures allergy related problems
Controls high blood pressure….and many more benefits!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

HCG X-TREME Weightloss

HCG X-TREME Weightloss
Load Days with HCG
Sounds crazy I know, but the first two days of taking the drops, you will want to make sure you eat as much FAT as you can.  Here is why…first off, don’t focus on sugar, you will need to eat high fat foods like mayo, butter, sour cream, cream cheese, and nuts. Read more @my blog

Monday, January 24, 2011

HCG X-TREME Weightloss

HCG X-TREME Weightloss

See Dee Ann's Blog on Artificial Sweetners
Beware of Artificial Sweeteners!  

One of the biggest mistakes people make while on hcg is thinking that it’s okay to drink diet sodas!  What they do not realize is the artificial sweetener in diet drinks often keeps some people from losing weight!  Some may even gain weight!  This is such a “rough” topic because….(trust me, I am talking about myself here), many of us are addicted to these wonderful bubbly treats!  I have to say, though, I did not think I could give them up but after learning to eat healthy while on hcg, it was definitely easier than I thought!  Although now, I do have a diet drink occasionally…and I mean OCCASIONALLY!  I’m working towards giving them up completely…so wish me luck on that!! J  Just remember, if you are still having diet drinks on hcg and still losing weight…that’s great but think about the long term!  Hcg is about a lifestyle change, and as your hypothalamus is being reset, we don’t want mess that up with artificial sweeteners…it’s just not worth it!!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

HCG X-TREME Weightloss

HCG X-TREME Weightloss

10 Positive Side Effects of the HCG Diet.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

HCG X-TREME Weightloss

HCG X-TREME Weightloss

Dee Ann Has posted a great article on getting started with the HCGDiet. Check it out.

HCG X-TREME Weightloss

 Weight loss

Success Stories:   We have had some great imput on the blog tonight about losing weight.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

HCG X-TREME Weightloss

HCG X-TREME Weightloss
We will be carrying SweetLeaf Stevia Products starting today so keep an eye out we will be updating website.  We recommend Stevia as a sugar substitute while on the HCG Diet.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Dee Ann's Before and After Pictures on HCG Diet

Wondering if you should start the HCG Diet but have questions?

Dee Ann's Before and After Pics just click on the Lose Weight Now. Dee ann lost her weight using the HCG Drops along with the HCG diet Protocol.