Wednesday, June 15, 2011

VLCD and the HCG Protocol

Very Low Calorie Diet
VLCD  means “very low calorie diet” and refers to a restricted diet of 500 calories per day on the HCG diet. In most cases it's not a healthy dieting option. A dieter can't sustain their day to day activity on so few calories. They end up breaking the diet frequently or not being capable of normal activity.  But in one case in particular the VLCD is actually quite effective. It's the popular HCG Drops diet. This popular weight loss program is based on the protocol as introduced by Dr. Simeons more than 50 years ago. It was the first time HCG was officially proclaimed a weight loss tool. The original protocol required injections. HCG had to be injected daily. But newer, homeopathic methods now available offer the same proven results with no injections.  Oral drops are used instead of injections in the homeopathic HCG weight loss method. The drops are taken three times a day in combination with the VLCD and the list of approved foods. Dieters are also required to cease any strenuous exercise programs because of the low calorie intake.  HCG  is a natural hormone in the human body that interacts with the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus interacts with the eating and drinking portions of the brain. This means that even though the dieter is sticking to a very low calorie diet they don't feel hunger pains as they normally would on a VLCD.  A successful homeopathic HCG dieting program means that the body has been re-taught a healthy method of treating fat. Fat cells are often emptied by dieting. But they are typically left hanging around waiting for the re-introduction of fat. With homeopathic HCG diets the body learns to absorb empty fat cells so they aren't available to easily refill.  The program presents a unique combination of characteristics that make it the most effective weight loss method currently available. It not only offers some of the best weight loss averages, but it also offers high maintenance success rates.