Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Steak Day on phase 3 of the HCG Diet

It shouldn’t be understated that Phase three of the HCG diet is extremely important.  This is when you slowly increase your calories and introduce carbs slowly back in to your diet.    If upon your daily morning weigh in, you notice you have gone up two or more pounds…then you are in need of a “Steak Day.”  This is only during the Phase 3 part of your HCG diet.  Having a steak day is one of the ways that I have been able to maintain my weight after finishing the HCG drops.  My goal for my weight loss was my weight on the last day of the HCG diet and if I exceed that by more than two pounds I simply have a steak day and it corrects it every time.  The key is that you catch it immediately so the hypothalamus can be corrected naturally.  However, it is important to also know that performing a steak day two days in a row really is not necessary, that’s just not how it works.  The way a steak day works is the decrease in calories on that day will stabilize your metabolism by working through the hypothalamus. Your body needs this because of excess calories that may have been previously consumed.  You will need to skip breakfast and lunch when performing a steak day, but make sure you consume plenty of water throughout the day.  For dinner you should eat a large serving, about 24-32 ounces of steak.  Any kind will do such as Filet Mignon, Sirloin, Rib-eye, Porterhouse, or a New York Strip.  Make sure you cook it in oil or as you grill your steak, smother it in real butter.  You may eat it with either a raw tomato or an apple.  As you weigh the next day, you should be one to three pounds lighter!


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